Wednesday, February 22, 2012

In Real Time: Link For Clinical Trial

Dr. Bill Bensinger of the Seattle Cancer Care Alliance has a new clinical trial open – details are at this link

1 comment:

  1. Carole Leigh has been my friend, my best friend, since sometime in junior high - 9th grade, I think. Quite honestly, I don't remember my life without Carole Leigh in it. We've gone through first boyfriends, crushes, first cars, college, marriage (we're both still on our first marriages - we chose well), teaching careers, babies and, now, multiple myeloma. She was surprised at her strength in the face of cancer, I wasn't surprised. She's always been optimistic and infuses her positive outlook on everyone around her. she posesses a quiet, inner strength that came to the fore to help her, and in turn all of us, through her treatments. She's now in remission and has years ahead of her of good health. dj
