Thursday, July 12, 2012

Aislinn Striking a Pose

In my post, The Fledgling, I spoke of my Survivorship class and our instructor giving us a homework assignment.  She asked us to consciously pay attention to small moments and she gave the example of enjoying the aroma of fresh ground coffee and focusing on it for at least 10 seconds.  I went on to tell about a fledgling robin who had left the nest in our wisteria vine creating for me one of those moments and how it gave me such a sense of peace.

Two nights ago my nearly 17 year old cat, Aislinn, provided another small moment to savor.  I was talking on the phone with my daughter when I looked down and saw Aislinn striking this pose.  It made me laugh to see her in this cozy position, not asleep, but with her eyes wide open. My daughter and I hung up so I could take the picture with my IPhone and send it to her.  We both enjoyed this small moment and, apparently, so did Aislinn because she stayed that way for quite a long time.  She may be old, but she is still flexible!

Thank you to Dom and Nan for your post about your kitties. I enjoyed reading it and it inspired me to write this post about Aislinn.


  1. Aren't the cats a good reminder of living in the moment? I can appreciate this pose as it is something I doubt I could ever do!

  2. Aislinn is a DOLL! I just love critters.... all of 'em! Have a great weekend, my friend!

  3. Thank you! We do call her Dolly quite a lot! I love critters too!

  4. dear carole,

    your darling aislinn - what a sweetheart! her pose is so peaceful, though in human terms, would only result in years of advanced yoga. but maybe she is reminding us to find our own peaceful poses - in mind, body and spirit, with our eyes wide open. animals bring about so many amazing truths and show us glimpses of life that really are so inspirational. we have a huge, fat, beautiful toad - appears on our porch most every day in the summer. he lets me pet him softly with one finger and i always look forward to seeing him when we come home. from day one, our dog, sadie, has always approached mr. toad so gently, then leans over and give him one lick (kiss), as though she wishes him well and is glad to see him, too. could it be that mr. toad keeps coming back for just these little shows of affection? i hope so! love and hugs, karen sutherland

    1. Dear Karen,
      I hadn't thought of it before, but you are right! Cats are true yoga masters even at the advanced age of 17. I agree that animals bring about so many amazing truths. The older I get the more I realize that animals are just like people. I used to think that I was just anthropomorphizing animals, but I am beginning to think it is more than that. Each cat I have had during my life has had an entirely different personality - just like us. They think, they worry, they love,they show fear, they get angry, they play, they have friends . . . We have a lot to learn from them. I love your story about Mr. Toad. Each day that he returns to your porch is one of those small moments to savor. Thank you for sharing it with me. I can just see him . . . :)

      Love and hugs to you,
      Carole Leigh
