Saturday, August 25, 2012

Where Did August Go?

It is nearly the end of August and I just realized that I haven't written a single post since July 31!  As I looked over my archives, I saw that I had posted at least four times a month since I began this blog in January of 2012.  What is happening to me?

To be honest, I have just been too busy getting back into my life!  Starting the Livestrong Exercise and Thrive program has been instrumental in my improved energy and attitude.  Traveling to Denver and Boston and volunteering have kept me active.   Household chores have become easier and I don't get as tired. I have taken on some new responsibilities in Alpha Delta Kappa International Honorary Organization for Women Educators where I will be chapter secretary and chairman of the WA State Bylaws and Resolutions Committee. If I didn't know better, I would think everything is back to normal.  

Next week, I see my oncologist for the first time in two months.  Last Wednesday, I had my blood work done and I am on pins and needles thinking about what the results will show. At times like this, the reality that my life will never be the way it was before comes into clear focus.  No matter how well I am feeling or how normal I seem, it doesn't erase my multiple myeloma diagnosis.

On a positive note, I would like to share a link to Patient Power where Dr. Craig Hofmeister, a myeloma expert from Ohio State University, talks about excitement and hope for patients.  After viewing this link, I felt more hopeful for the future.

Are you wondering what the picture at the top has to do with this post?  Well, it has absolutely nothing to do with it!  Last weekend, my daughter and my niece and I went to Tweets in Edison, WA (I have mentioned this charming cafe in previous posts) and we shared this scrumptious peach and blueberry pie with mascarpone whipped cream and sipped cappuccinos as we savored another small moment.


  1. You were diagnosed at the same time as my husband, and today we are celebrating two years post transplant! Praying the results from your labs are excellent and rejoice with you that you are busy with your activities and life again!

    1. Thank you Linda and congratulations to your husband on being two years post transplant - a real milestone!
      Carole Leigh

  2. Last week my relative in Seattle was getting blood work done for post transplant updates as well as this next month marks two years since the mini-allo so we are hoping/intending for good reports, too.

    It's good that you spend more time living than blogging if that is your path, but we enjoy hearing your news once in awhile.

    As to August... for me it went by twice as fast as it normally might... dealing with twins!! Isn't it fun to be with daughters?

    1. Sandy,
      I hope your relative has good news! It sure is unnerving to go in for blood work and get the results. I don't think one ever gets used to it.

      I'll bet you have had a lot of fun with those twins!

      Carole Leigh

  3. Carole Leigh, I am glad I came to check in on your blog ( still no notices arriving in my email box - grrr )!

    I have come to experience that I blog in spurts and as I feel there is something to share. That you have been out and about enjoying life - getting back to many things you enjoy - is a WONDERFUL reason to step back a bit from sharing here.

    I just got back from ten days on the Oregon coast - a milestone for me to be able to drive that far and a milestone for reflecting on these past 20 years since I retired from teaching. IF you think "this August" went fast, I cannot begin to tell you of my wonderings about these past 20 years seemingly having gone by so fast.

    I ended up doing 4 blog posts during those 10 days ( well, 8 days as 2 of the days were driving days ). It was good to do the Reflections and recognize not only the challenges but the many blessings that have occurred in my life over 20 years.

    I look forward to seeing you come September when ADK revs up again for this year and, perhaps, one of my goals this year is to find Tweets in Edison!

    Praying and believing for good test results showing up when you get your results. Amen.

